Investment Management

At Financial Strategies of California, we take the time to understand what you want out of life and project your goals.  After we appraise where you are relative to your goals, we can perform a gap analysis to determine what you need.  We then will provide options to help you get to where you want to be, and implement the strategies to activate your financial plan.  We will continually monitor your plan to help optimize its performance.

We provide advice on a variety of investment vehicles, not limited to:

Client Wealth Concierge Service

Traditional firms typically report static information, showing a snapshot of a moment in financial time.  We have access to the software that updates account values nightly so that our analysis reflects current market conditions. Additionally, many net worth calculations simply subtract Liabilities from Assets.  We go a step further.  A Protection and Cash Flow Analysis is included in the same view.  This facilitates more meaningful insights and allows us to test our recommendations and strategies.

This global, up-to-date view of your financial world can help improve overall plan performance, minimize the impact of debt and taxes, and enhance your lifestyle.  With your goals as a centerpiece in the progress, the reports that we provide will have true meaning.  We will monitor your progress toward your goals, giving you the kind of security that you deserve.

We anticipate, warn, and remind you of the financial factors that may impact your ability to achieve your goals.  This relieves you of a tremendous organizational burden allowing you to focus your energies on what matters most in your life.

We help make your life easier, both on a daily basis and particularly at a time of crisis. We can provide an online secure storage facility that stores and protects valuable personal documents such as wills, trusts, insurance documents and passports in an electronic format.  Clients have found the online "vault" to be tremendously useful in times of crisis or natural disaster when hard copies of valuable documents or memorabilia are no longer available. 

Securities offered through NYLIFE Securities LLC, (Member FINRA/SIPC) Offered as an Investment Adviser Representative for Eagle Strategies LLC, A Registered Investment Adviser, through various investment strategies within Lifetime Wealth Portfolio, Eagle's proprietary managed account platform.